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NVC as a teaching method is helping create a movement rooted in the importance of developing emotional intelligence and establishing emotional safety.

Teaching our Children to be Emotionally Intelligence and Speak the Language of Nonviolence

‘If, as a parent, you could wave a magic wand, and raise your children to be as you’d like them to be, how would they be?

Would they be healthy, playful, knowledgeable, and intelligent? Would they be trustful, reliable, kind and loving? Would they know how to work and also appreciate and enjoy life? Would they know how to build and maintain healthy and supportive relationships? Would they know how to deal with tough or challenging situations? Read more...

What is the impact of the application of the Emotional Competence and Nonviolent Communication model on the development of empathy? (study)

The NVC model, or ‘compassionate communication’, places a concrete type of empathic strategies in the center of its process, and develops a model of verbal expression of empathic inference and understanding.

Have a look at this review which will define the specificity of this empathic process, analyze its similarities with the person-centered approach to empathic responding, compare it with other existing verbal models of empathic communication, and asses the outcomes of its application. Read the study.

The NVC training programmes offered on this website, support the development of Emotional Intelligence.

Participants become skillful at understanding their own and other people’s feelings, emotions, words and actions and seeing things from their standpoint, which likely results in very few misunderstandings.

Develop empathy and compassion are an essential part of good interpersonal skills. Participants will develop the ability to easily get a good sense of what others are thinking and will be able to adjust themselves accordingly when the people they’re conversing with seem confused or perhaps uncomfortable.


Empathy refers to a person’s ability to understand the emotions of others and share in their feelings. Researchers in many fields have shown that empathy – or its absence – matters greatly in many aspects of social life. For example, empathetic people are more likely to have...Read the article.

Emotional Intelligence: Practical Advice for Law Enforcement Officers (article)

This is an article, in The Police Chief, California, about the importance of the development of Emotional Competence.

Importance of Emotions

Whether humans realize it or not, emotions play an important role in virtually everything we do. Emotions help us think and learn, motivate us toward important goals, allow us to bond with others, direct us in making difficult choices, and protect us from danger. But while emotions serve a number of important functions, they can also present a host of behavioral and health-related problems if not managed correctly. Read the article

The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Job Performance in Police Organizations (study)

The aim of this study is to explore the relationship between emotional intelligence and job performance in a sample of 310 police officers. The results show significant correlations between EI levels and police job performance. Read the study

Key Facts About Nonviolent Communication (NVC) (booklet)

Improve the quality of personal and professional relationships, one interaction at a time. From the bedroom to the boardroom, from the classroom to the war zone, Nonviolent Communication (NVC) is changing lives every day. Read the Booklet.

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